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3 Easy Steps to Become a Maxco Partner

18 Nov 2021

Maxco Partner Program is a business solution for partners, not limited to professional or educational backgrounds. The main requirements to become a Maxco partner are 18 years old, have an ID card, and have a bank account in your own name

Of course, becoming a Maxco partner is a very easy thing to do, Maxco provides the Maxco Partner Program to provide solutions that are easy to do without any conditions, unlike other futures brokers who provide various difficult conditions when registering. Here are three easy steps to become a Maxco partner:

First, visit the official Maxco Futures website (www.maxco.co.id) then go to the “Partner Program” page and click “Register Now”. After verifying the email, potential Maxco Partners need to verify their identity by uploading their KTP or other identity cards. At this stage, make sure you fill in the data that matches the identity card.

Second, make sure you read and understand the terms and conditions thoroughly and in detail, then click "Become a Partner".

Third, after submitting the application, Maxco will process and review the submitted account within one to three days. Partners can see the progress of their application to become a Maxco partner by logging into the Partner Area, by clicking “Join” on the page.

Maxco partner submission application has been sent! After the application is verified, Maxco partners can start managing the Partner Area and start doing business with Maxco.

Becoming a Maxco Partner is an easy partnership program to do, if you have any questions about the Maxco Partner Program, Maxco has provided a support system. Contact Maxco Customer Support via: 021-3115-1998.

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